Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday-Day 6

This morning we all woke up to the wonderful smell of waffles, syrup, eggs and bacon! We enjoyed these as we had our regular early morning conversations, which i was half asleep for. Next we packed up our lunches for the day and got on the road a bit earlier than we had the days before!

Today on the job site we finished up the siding. A few of us had tasks of carrying various sizes of wood to certain areas, while others completed the walling and the rest of the siding. Liz, Drew, and I (aka. the dream team) spent most of our day mixing some of the best cement anyone has ever seen. Aaron finished all the wiring while the rest of us finished the deck and the roof. Towards the end of the day we made a group effort in filling in any spots that were missing nails which actually was quite a lot! We then covered the house in Tyvek to protect it from any moisture that could get in over night.

After we finished up the house for the day we all got in a picture with Ellen, JR, and Dalton Gage the baby. We then proceeded to have a group prayer around the family, praying for each child individually and blessing their house and lives.

When we returned home we had an excellent dinner of taco salad, hamburgers and hot dogs made by all the kids. After dinner we had our nightly discussion where we talked about baptism. Aaron mentioned that any of us that wanted to be officially baptized could be in the lake tonight by our very own Craig. He gave us a few hours to make our decision. In the mean time, we took a trip to the convenient store and bought many snacks.

Around sundown, we all hopped in the van and trucks and headed down to the lake. Four of us, Brandon, Colby, Liz and I decided we would like to be baptized and commit our life to christ. We gathered near the lake and one by one was baptized by Craig. He first prayed over us and then dunked us backwards into the lake. It was a feeling i had never felt before. I felt new, refreshed, happy, and filled with inspiration to do right.

Once we returned back home we played some games including 30, Yahtzee, and most of the girls painted there nails ( oh and ben too....questionable). Today was our last day with Craig because he is leaving tomorrow morning after breakfast. Tomorrow will be our last day on the house and we will finish up everything!

-Rachel Vignos

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