Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 5 - Monday

Wow, what a trip we are having again this year!! It's really incredible how quickly a raggedy bunch of people like us can come together and make a workforce to be reckoned with. But even more importantly, it's incredible to see how many connections everyone has been making. Youth who have never met each other are becoming close friends in Christ and even coming up with little group names for themselves (to be specific, Ben, Melissa, and I are now referred to as "Ginger and the Two"). So to sum up today:

We once again rose early around 7:15 for another fantastic breakfast of eggs, bagels, and even some bacon. Following breakfast, as we have happily become accustomed to, Craig taught a lesson on his favorite mantra, Love. It was both an inspiring and thought provoking lesson to start the day off right.

Then we all headed off to the job site once again to resume the projects we have been working on so fervently for the last few days. Let me tell you, I'm not sure how the ride was for everyone in the van, but driving with Barry Hebsch is quite an experience. Ben, Liz, Dad, and I all had a blast cruising to the sound of With or Without You by U2 as Barry got into his zone... And then right when you think he's calm, Barry raced up the driveway to the race site, jarring us around the truck like rag dolls.

Once the day began, it was nice to have the cloud cover as we ultimately had two teams working. One made more headway with the new room we have built from the ground up, and the other tearing down the next room to be replaced. Again, we made a lot of progress and have the frame of both the infrastructure of the first new room and half of a sloped roof over it and the remaining roof of the trailer. In addition, the demolition of the second old room is nearing completion. Tomorrow will be an exciting work day for certain.

Following the workday, we all came back to home base and had an incredible dinner of chicken, a vegetable medley, and some sort of grain, with a name I can't remember...      Of course that was not before a quick trip to the grocery store like every other day this week :) It was what came after the meal that was the best part of the day though. We continued with our journal-based lessons, which was specifically on "Who Jesus is to Me". We had some really good discussions and it left each of us really contemplating how each of our relationships with God are and how we can improve them.

Finally, we ended the day with a hunt for blackberries (which we ended up using as paint to make war-paint faces and other paintings on each other), some parkour (yeah Aaron!), a bit of in-the-dark frisbee, and finally a couple games of mafia to round out the night.

Just as I said last year, I think we can all agree, if summer ended thursday with our return home, we will have had one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable summers of our lives. Now the challenge we have to face is maintaining this spiritual high we've reached once we get home. At least we can be faithful that God will provide for us and keep us all not he straight-and-narrow as we readjust to normal life.

- Colby Putnam

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